
Successful Relationships-Learn To Love Yourself First!

Relationships of all kinds are often perceived as very delicate things, that require extra effort to maintain. A relationship can also be something that can provide security and can also be long lasting despite many trials. Finding successful relationships can be difficult, so to get on the right path, start with yourself. Its very important to do so, and all too often overlooked or forgotten!

Whether or not you are in a relationship, if you're willing to expend the required energy, you'll achieve the happy outcome you want over time. It would be a mistake to believe that love is just for those in a relationship and that anyone else is left out. If love means anything - and things in your life only have the meaning you give them -then each day can be a day to celebrate love and romance. So if you're currently in love, you celebrate that. But if you're not, you can celebrate the love that will be coming into your life in the future, especially if you are prone to fearing no love will ever come along. It's a day for reinforcing your faith in the magic of life.

Your primary loving relationship is actually with yourself. It's you who accompanies yourself through the good days and the bad ones, you have been there right from the start and will be there right to the end of your life. When you feel a loving relation toward yourself, you feel so complete, and no-one else is needed to make you feel better about yourself or your life. When you feel like this way, you become a powerful, irresistible magnet to others. Complete within yourself, you are in love, and in love with life.

When you attract someone to you and become immersed in a loving relationship with them, all you're actually doing is each celebrating your own respective loving relationships with yourselves, and sharing that with each other.
So use the energy of self love to strengthen that love - for yourself, for others, for life - and to celebrate and honour the love in the world.

On of the very best ways to do this, beyond all the usual advice, is to get some great DVDs and delicious chocolates and indulge yourself in front of a screen, or dress up warm and take
yourself out for a walk, preferably where you can see the sky and treetops - where you feel connected with the natural forces.

As you walk, contemplate everything you love and admire about yourself, even the smallest things. Like an admiring lover might, tell yourself, 'I love you for this -1 love you for that' and so on, until you've acknowledged yourself lovingly for every fine attribute you've ever displayed. When you've done so, do the same with the universe. Think of all the fine things it does - provides a planet for you, provides a body for you, provides a mind for you, provides other people for you and so on - and with each one, tell it, 'I love you for this'.

You should now be in a state of elation rather than deflation - visualise yourself from behind, holding hands with someone wonderful whose identity you can't and don't need to see, walking into the sunset in a state of mutual love and bliss and say to the universe, 'Please manifest this or something even better for me now'.
Within 90 days or so, you'll find yourself with precisely that loving relationship, or something even better, coming into your life.

Even if you have moments of feeling like a loser - which you know is silly, unnecessary and untrue, yet somehow unavoidable because we are only human - feeling like this every now and then is all part of life's rich tapestry and only the flip side of feeling like a winner; it won't kill you. Just tell yourself, Tm a winner' and carry on as you were before.

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