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Why do some religions and cultures frown upon psychics and mediums?

Psychics are as old as time itself. The desire to know the future has been present in every culture and the promise of a safe and happy afterlife runs by way of numerous religious doctrines. Psychics and soothsayers have typically enlightened persons on an individual level, which some powers, political or religious, have considered to be harmful or subversive.

Encouraging persons to develop individual spirituality has also been seen within the past as affecting peoples belief in widespread faith, and you will discover times when psychic insight was an unwelcome intrusion if it didn't correspond with the impression that the ruling powers where trying to create. Psychics have constantly run the risk of running into the "Shoot the messenger" syndrome!

Are women better psychics than men?

A woman's feeling and intuition commonly work on a different level to men, so they show extra interest and affinity in psychic awareness and matters related to it. Their maternal instincts and concern for children and family tend to show much more awareness and concern of the possible future, beyond just providing in a material sense, and this concern has a strong spiritual aspect.

Men can sometimes be better at giving information, and women may be greater at receiving and acting upon it, so men can become extremely intuitive and helpful psychics, they've the same psychic capacity, but need to re-align themselves more to develop their psychic powers.

Do creative people have a lot more psychic capacity?

Everyone is creative., but we generally put limitations on ourselves which block our creative energies. People who've crossed that barrier, and develop their creative abilities, have a various state of consciousness, and may be extra aware in a psychic sense. Inspiration is crucial to the creative person, and so is insight. You need to see ahead and into the future to take yourself to the next level of creativity. Your own thoughts could be especially limiting in this regard, so creative persons are in a sense, free thinkers, and additionally capable of psychic intuition.

Why are some persons psychic and others are not?

Psychic capacity is commonly referred to as a gift. But this might be confusing. It's not that some men and women are given this gift and others are not. Psychic insight is offered to all; it's an attribute of the soul. Like reading, writing and arithmetic, it is a fundamental life skill. Occasionally we complain that you can find no guidebooks on the way to live a soulful, meaningful life. But, when you were born, you were given intuition, a built-in guide and advisor. This is everyone's gift. With practice and patient determination, you too can tap into this capability.

Why can't I see what you see?

There's no reason you can't. A lot of people have psychic insight, but they do not recognize it or know the best way to translate what they see. Like learning a foreign language, it requires study and practice.

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